Note: The last two levels are *very* difficult. Comment if you can solve them!

"Oh no! The Glass Goblin Gang broke my window again... Those darn glass thieves! Whatever shall I do? I wish there was a strong and handsome man in MagicLand that could help me... :/"

"Fret not! Mr. Wizard, the Window Mender is here to repair, mend, and fix all the broken glass. Call 555-FIX-WINDOW and get a quote today!"

In this game,  your task is to repair windows broken by the Glass Goblin Gang. You will do so by putting the glass pieces together to form a square. But those darn glass thieves stole some of the pieces. This is why the citizens of MagicLand need your help! You can use your glass magic to make pieces bigger or smaller, rotate them, and move them. This way, you should be able to repair the broken windows, even if some pieces are stolen. Once the window is fixed, don't forget to look out and catch glimpses of nature in MagicLand.

Why can't you see outside the window when the glass is broken? This is MagicLand. No physics you know of here. Only magic.


While the mouse cursor is over a piece:

W -> Scale up

S -> Scale down

A -> Rotate CCW

D -> Rotate CW

(Only for emergencies) Space -> Reveal position of piece

R -> Restart Level

Esc -> Go back to Level Selection or Start Menu


Levels by line_sweeper


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the puzzles get pretty difficult! ;)

They do...